
Showing posts from June, 2022

Carolina Contreras makes us think about hair texture.

    Carolina Contreras, a Dominican American, afro  Caribbean woman, always had the issue of textured hair front and center. I believe white supremacy pushed many in the African diaspora to choose to relax their hair, for all the gained benefits. And is it not that same thing which has made the weave so vogue?      Recently, and thankfully, the power has shifted. Politics nudged. The USA elected a black president, and though it was certainly not "the cure for racism" as some claimed, it more likely fueled the hate where it was already festering and lo and behold, the Black Lives Matter movement came upon us.       Hair is a huge deal in any woman's life. And in between black empowerment and self-love chic, it is now cool to be yourself regardless of what your hair texture is, silly as that sounds. I believe part of the transition, if not a product of it, is the movie Good Hair . What do y'all think?     Creen que los cambi...

The youngest woman ever to run the London Marathon?!? The fastest female marathon runner in the world?!

     When I see a woman younger than me, becoming unforgettable in no time, I get a bit spooked! Ok, tbh not so much anymore, but in reality what I feel and what I always felt is deep admiration. I look at them and wonder what I can learn from these ladies. What ambition, passion, etiquette or work ethic could I emulate?        Usually each Rebel Girl is very unique in their talents or even life situation, but always they are inspirational. Brigid Kosgei particularly so. In this case I personally do not admire her athleticism as much as her ability to be a humble person and a mother, at the same time that she does incredibly amazing things.        I am proud of her and proud to be amongst her kind.    Goodnight Stories for Rebel Girls; Black Girl Magic ⭐️ Brigid Kosgei

Los libros de Tony Wolf

Como ningun otro niño que yo conocia, yo creci con mi libro preferido e inolvidable; Historias del Bosque. El gran Tony Wolf tambien tiene otros libros, y uno de ellos es "El Mundo de los Animales", pero antes de llegar ahi, hablemos de mi solitario amor por Historias del Bosque. Mi papá me lo mandó de Mexico D.F. a La Habana cuando tenia 3 años, y mi familia tambien lo amó y lo conoció, como eran ellos quienes me lo leian. Al pasar los años, no es sorpresa que me converti en una persona adulta amante de los libros y protectora de mi biblioteca personal. Asi fue como cuando me vi presa en casa con un bebe amamantando y demasiados momentos libres, comparti mi libro de Tony Wolf (y otros) con el mundo en mi canal de YouTube ... y asi comenzo mi projecto de 'Ms.Carmina'. Y fue creciendo el projecto, y a medida que pasó el tiempo fui conociendo mi publico y descubriendo y no soy la unica amante de "Historias del Bosque". Ni la unica amante de libros infantiles ...